You can improve only what you can measure. SafeMailer will help you track all important details of your campaigns and event to create deeply insightful, customized report.

SafeMailer has a dedicated analytics tab which provides detailed insights on how many emails were sent, opened replied or bounced on any particular day

To check the analytics, click on the “Analytics” tab on the left side of your campaign dashboard.

On the analytics page you can see all the details of emails that were sent in last 7 days.

You can see total emails sent in last 30 days. Total emails that were opened, replied and bounced are also mentioned.

The dotted line in the charts provides the difference between no. of emails sent this week vs no. of emails sent a week before.

You can click on opened, replied, and bounced to see the graph of that particular field.

You can use the filter at the bottom of the chart to see the graph of last 7 days.

Individual campaign analytics

SafeMailer also provides analytics for each campaign. For that click on campaign on the campaign dashboard.

Here you can see how many emails were opened, opened and replied to, bounced, and are still pending through a doughnut pie chart. When you hover over the chart you can see the number of that particular lead.


The timeline section within each campaign allows to to track which emails were opened, which emails got bounced, and who replied to your emails.

To check your campaign timeline, first click on the campaign on the dashboard to open the campaign details page.

Then go to the Timeline section.

Here you can see all the emails that got opened, replied or got bounced.